Manufacturers Marketplace is a national searchable database that includes 140,000 manufacturers that can fill gaps in your supply chain. CONNEX Kansas is integrated with the Manufacturers Marketplace. However, without your permission to participate in the Manufacturers Marketplace, your profile information will only be accessible to other Kansas manufacturer members of CONNEX Kansas.

If you are a Kansas manufacturer and you want to expand your reach beyond Kansas, you can indicate your interest in being connected to the Manufacturers Marketplace when you register. It is a seamless connection that allows you to find and be found by manufacturers who are participating in both CONNEX Kansas and the Manufacturers Marketplace.

What else do I need to know? CONNEX Kansas is free for Kansas manufacturers because of KMS’s support. To participate in the Manufacturers Marketplace for national access, there is a $500 annual fee payable to the Manufacturers Marketplace. This fee supports the national platform. Contact us for more information about access to the Manufacturers Marketplace.